Welcome to the Texas Collection at Golemon Library
In these tabs you will find a comprehensive guide to the collection of Texas books and related materials we have here at the Ranger College Library. Our resources are available during all regular business hours We are happy to provide electronic copies, within copyright restrictions. There are a few items already fully available. Clicking the link will take you to the full item. Other items are limited. Clicking the link on those will take you to a brief overview that includes the table of contents and index, where available.
What are you looking for? We do not have even a small percentage of books on Texas or by Texas authors but we do have a little bit of everything. Being in Ranger and Eastland County, our collection is focused on Ranger and oil history. For organizational purposes, we have broken the books into six broad topics. Below each tab is some information about what is contained in it. Feel free to click and browse.
If you are looking for a specific title or topic, your time may be more productively spent searching our catalog or using the search bar. An extraordinary number of books could be sorted into several categories. A decision was made about each, so it may not appear where you first look.
However you choose to explore, enjoying browsing the Texas Collection at Ranger College’s Golemon Library and please stop by to explore the books in person.