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“The mission of Ranger College is to transform lives and give students the skills to be a positive influence in their communities.”


the text of the REHUPAs so that I can link them through the APA site
September 1983 Contains:
The Golden Caliph (includes letters from L. Sprague de Camp Glenn Lord Karl wagner and Ranger Junior College)
Marek's Minac Sketchbook (Joe Marek)
Cugel #35 (Ev Winne)
The Questing Beast #11 (Bob Barger)
Charon #2 (Robert Subiaga)
Gladiators Inc. #2 (Robert Mancebo)
The Incompleat Geometer (Bill Bridget)
The Flaming Circle of Troglis #12 (Bob Scwartz)
Bunyips in the Mulga #14 (Graeme Flanagan)
The Satyr's Revenge #2 (Loay Hall)
The Pride of Pictdom (Terry Dale)
The Empire of ij #43 (Brian Earl Brown)
Seanchai #18 (Rusty Burke)
Scribe #1 (Doug Wirth)
Sticks and Stones #3 (Vern Clarke)
Scroll of Set #29(William Fulwiler)
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