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“The mission of Ranger College is to transform lives and give students the skills to be a positive influence in their communities.”


the text of the REHUPAs so that I can link them through the APA site


January 1973

Contains: <br>

Ydmos 10 (B. Indick) <br>

Hyborian Scrolls 3 (P. Allen) <br>

Ixion Unbound 14 (J. Bacon) <br>

Sword & Shield (J. Bacon) <br>

Echoes from the Black Stone (C. Burnham) <br>

Blackening Moons 6 (C. Williamson) <br>

The Emperor of Dreams  (L. Hill) <br>

Ultima Thule 6 (Glenn Lord) <br>

Sardonic Worlds 6 (R. Smith) <br>

H.P. Lovecraft Society Flyer (S. Connors) <br>

Tolometh 3 (S. Connors) <br

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